Thursday 20 June 2013


 I can't think of one student who won't say that they are happy that exams are finally over, and that we are finally on winter holiday. I know I'm super happy and I swear that if I ever have to see another exam for the next couple of months again, I will certainly break down crying, because I am completely exhausted!

So it's finally holidays and I went to the beach with a friend of mine today, Zee. We had a lot of fun, and I got a slight tan which is awesome! I'm hoping to go to the beach more often though, because it is high time that I stop looking like a pale sick person, and start looking healthier, because mentally I feel like I am progressing; and not having to better myself for anyone has given me this effect.

I'm very happy to say that it has been 2 months since Brendin and I broke up, and I feel like I am a stronger person because of it. I must say though, it has been very emotional. But the outcome of it was great: I am becoming a better person.
Everything happens for a reason, and I am feeling much more positive.

It's nothing against him, it's just that I started to believe that I actually needed him to carry on with my life, which was absolutely NOT true! And if I could go back, I wouldn't change anything, but I would warn myself that being in a relationship for so long while you're so young is definitely bound to have you lose your friends- and especially when he's out of school and you're not.

I am trying much harder to salvage the friendships that I have, and that is working out fine for me.

Anyway, this is for all fourteen, and fifteen year olds- never, ever drop your friends for a guy, and don't ever think that because "he's older" it will make you "cooler". It doesn't work that way! I'm not saying don't date him, I'm just saying don't wear your heart on your sleeve, because sometimes people who you think you can trust just end up hurting you.

Anyway, I'm off to bed, had an exhausting day!

<3 Lee

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