Friday 2 August 2013


Wynand and I
And so it is weekend once again, and this weekend is going to be a very interesting one for me.

We have 9 people in our house, Peet, Oom Boetie, Tannie Joanne, Tannie Marika, my brother Wynand, Johan, my dad, my mum and me. So it's going to be veeeerryy interesting!

Tannie Joanne is like, a real party animal, so I guess this weekend is going to consist out of hardly any sleep and a lot of noise- which is fine for me- because I don't really sleep anyway on the weekends considering I'm a gamer and I'd rather game than sleep.
Oom Boetie, Tannie Joanne, Tannie Marika and Johan all come from Ladysmith- they are all work colleagues of my parents, and everyone here except Wynand (and obviously me) works for a company called "Dt Debt" which is a debt counselling company, (no, they are not repo people, what they do is they create a budget with which you pay off your debt every month, and stuff..) which is pretty cool.

The reason they are all here is because they had a meeting thing today and they had to stay somewhere because Ladysmith is a good 4 hours away and  its a very long drive, and Wynand came to visit us which is very nice.

Me being Happy
I'm as happy as a cat full up with milk and I'm pretty positive that this weekend will go down quite well.

Next weekend is a long weekend again- because of Women's day, and then the week after I get Thursday and Friday off because I'm not going on the Grade 11 leadership course- so its a nice long weekend for me there as well, but from rumours I've heard.. I'll be getting a fat pile of homework, and so will everyone else who isn't going. But that's okay, I'll get it done!

On Monday we carry on with our paintings (when it's done I will post a picture).

Talking about art- I have recently finished my linocut project- so here is a picture of my group's linocuts and the little bit extra that I've done- it's all on my bedroom wall.

And I rate that they would make pretty epic Tattoos- (thanks Skye and Ashley for the idea to print myself) :p

Anyway, I am out of things to say and everyone is probably getting very bored by now!

Have a super weekend!
Lots of Love
<3 Lee

Thursday 11 July 2013

My favorite art piece

So Tonight I asked for an interesting thing to blog about, and someone said "tell us about your favorite art piece" and I figured, well why not? Unfortunately this is something I could go on and on about, so I've got to find a way to shorten it!

Okay, so I'll tell you the title first- The Persistence of Memory, and the artist- Salvador Dali.
Now, most art students will know exactly what I'm talking about (especially the art students in my class, because Mr. V gave us that very yummy description about how Salvador Dali was eating cheese while looking at a clock to get his inspiration) when I say that this is a surrealist painting.

Surrealism is the era in which painters would bring dream like figures and try and put into a realistic scene, to try and create a bond between real life and the dream world. It's probably my most favorite genre when it comes to paintings, because the thought that goes behind it is so interesting!

So this painting, The Persistence of Memory- is my favorite because not only is it strange, but it makes use of weird colors and whenever I look at it, I feel curious for some reason. It just triggers that in me.
I love Dali's paintings because they're so weird, and if you look closely you'll see so many strange objects and figures in this painting.

I was going to do a full analysis on the painting, but I realize that will probably bore most people, but hey! If you want me to do the analysis, just pop some comments down below and I'll do that for you! In fact I'd be happy to analyze any painting, just comment below. Anyway, I have to go read now, because I have a book review due quite soon, and I need to write it. Just about twenty more pages to read till I can begin the review!

Lots of Love,

<3 Lee

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Ten things not to do when arguing

There are just some things that are okay and not okay when arguing with a special friend, boyfriend, best friend or family member, and I for one absolutely HATE arguing! Not only because it hurts a relationship, but because it emotionally hurts the other person, and also can get very annoying at times, so tonight I decided I want to blog about the ten worst things I can think of when it comes to arguments, so here it goes:

  • "Are you on your period?"  So, This one goes out to boys specifically (sorry boys, but it's true). There is a HUGE difference between anger and being on our period! Sure,  when we're on that awful time of month we do become a little bit cranky, but that's just for about 3-7 days, the rest of the month we're fine- and when we're angry, it doesn't mean we are on our period- it means we are angry. Asking something like "are you on your period" is a pathetic excuse to avoid an argument and can make a girl even more angry- unless you have physically seen me opening up a pad, don't ask me if I'm on my period.
  • "Whatever" In a situation where arguing is involved, saying something like "whatever" is bound to make someone even angrier, and I know that I for one Hate it when someone says "whatever" while I'm trying to get my point across. Like all humans, we all want to know that the person we are talking   to is interesting in what we are saying, because it gives us a sense of worth, and if they don't want to     hear what you are saying, and are not interested in the conversation, what are they doing in your         life? Clearly the relationship isn't worth it.

  • "Just drop it" NO! Do NOT drop the subject! I can promise you that will not help ANYTHING. If one side brought up a subject obviously it was brought up for a reason so SORT IT OUT. Rather now than have it blowing up in your face later on, yes?
  • People who Ramble Hey! Whoa! Slow down! Just remember, there are two people in this argument- give the other person a chance to speak too! Their side is just as important as yours is.

  • An arrogant attitude No one likes a person who thinks too much of themselves, especially when you're busy arguing. So stop being cocky and start listening to what the other person has to say before putting yourself first- not only will this calm the situation down by showing the other person that you are willing to hear them out, but it will also make you less uptight.
  • "I don't like you"  "well if you don't like me, LEAVE!" Need I say more?
  • "You seem angry" Okay, now first of all... If I wasn't just a liiiittttllleee bit mad- we wouldn't be having this discussion, but as soon as a person tells me that I'm angry- I am bound to get angry, because not only have you just reminded me that I'm angry, but your calm, cocky question has just made me want to hit you in the face multiple times, and then still set my cat on you. Really, "You seem angry" ? not a good call, my friend. Rather say "is there something bothering you?" (still not a good one because by now they've probably already told you about the situation) or "well what can I do to help fix the situation?" (much better, because that tells the person that you are willing to help)
  • The whole world doesn't need to know you're arguing! Yes, it is nice to have support when you're going through a rough patch, but putting your status messages as comebacks to an argument, or writing on a person's Facebook wall about how much you hate them certainly is not the best idea of the day. Firstly- it makes you look like a pathetic attention seeker who is a complete meanie, and secondly- it embarrasses the other person very badly and will most definitely hurt their feelings. You're having an argument with that person- not an argument with that person AND Bob, AND Sally, AND Joan.
  • Yelling "STOP YELLING! IS THIS PLEASANT TO READ?" I thought not. Listen, you're in the same room as that person, why do you need to yell at them? It's not like being angry has made them deaf- you're making them deaf by yelling at them, and not only that- you're boosting your adrenaline which makes you much more excited. This makes you seem aggressive and the other person will respond in the same way and this is what makes most arguments blow up in punches and cat-fights and shouting matches.

and lastly:
  • taking words out of context A person isn't going to hide information in their words. They will say what they mean so don't put words in their mouths! That is definitely one of the things I hate the most when I'm arguing with someone.

So there you have it folks! The top ten pet hates when it comes to arguing! I'd like to say thanks to my friend Dee for helping me with this one, because it really was quite a tough topic to cover! So the next time you're in an argument- think back on this blog, and see if you're doing what the other person might hate.

With Love, 
<3 Lee

Tuesday 9 July 2013

First Exhibition Masterpiece.. Complete!

Hello there!

I have finally finished my first Matric Exhibit masterpiece (painting).
This isn't really the best quality photo, but I had to use my Nokia C3-00 to take this photo. I am very proud of my self because of this painting, and I can't wait to start my next one! When I have completed all of the pieces I will do a blog about them, but I still have a long way to go! So far it's going to be the observation of the glass, zambuk tin and Cape Velvet bottle, and this.

<3 Lee

Monday 8 July 2013

One of Those days

Today is another one of those days where I'm feeling completely insecure about myself.
I found myself wishing that I was somebody completely different, someone much more beautiful, and thinner, and with a lot of talents other than just art.

I decided to open a Tumblr. account because I thought that it would make me feel a little more normal, which it didn't. What it did do- was make me feel like I'm trying to change myself to become some sort of blog-spammer, so I think I'm going to delete the account.

What I did realize though, is that I have a friend who saw the picture pictured here on the left, and he texted me telling me that I have to stop feeling so insecure, and accept myself for who I am because everyone else does. Part of me believes him, and Part of me doesn't, but I am grateful that I have friends like him who are there for me.

So recently I have had two friends (they are dating each other) trying to set me up with one of their mutual friends who I haven't met. But I don't think I'm willing to do that, like I said on my Facebook status,

"That awkward moment when you have a friend, and his girlfriend trying to set you up with someone you don't even know after two months of being out of a relationship that lasted for two years, and I'm just chilling there thinking like.. I don't really want a relationship.. or to meet new people  I just want to crawl in my hole and play WoW and get healthy again.. and concentrate on school work...  why would I want to get in a new relationship again? I mean, isn't it enough now? I'm seventeen, way to young for commitment, way to young to be involved with people older than 18 (unless I was friends with them beforehand). I guess people just try to help, but I rate that I don't need help, I just need support right now. I don't think getting in another relationship will help anything, and I feel that it would be so unfair to the other person if I were to use him as a building block, and I explained this sort of. I don't think its so hard to understand, is it? I'm just not ready.."

the amount of correspondence I received on that post was hectic- people telling me how proud they were that I am being so mature about the situation- and then a lovely comment from sweetheart Meg saying 
"babyy you are young! what happened with you and my brother was either a blessing or a lesson! you will learn from all these experiences! whats meant to be will be! thinkinbg of you! nothing changes between us gorg mwahh! chin up!"
(Thanks babee x, it made me feel so much better about the situation <3)

For now, I'm going to take all the negativity I'm feeling and transfer it into something beautiful, in a painting or a drawing.

A note to self- never let anyone or anything put me down, I ought to accept myself and I also have to accept that people want to help me, so Don't take things so personally.

Also- Don't wear my heart on my sleeve.
<3 Lee

Friday 5 July 2013

Nostalgia and my life so far

It's about one AM and I still am not able to sleep, and I keep going back to thoughts of my childhood and how everything turned out, and how everything changed to make me who I am today. And I'm just sitting here on my bed, wondering how things are going to change for me in the future, will it all be good or bad?

Before I came to the coast, I lived a very interesting life.
I was the cute little blond baby, first of all- I was adorable (even if I say so myself), and I grew up with an ENORMOUS family, and when I say enormous, I mean huge, there is my dad's side, and my mom's side, (as we all have), but, I have an extra bit of added family- The Circus.

You're probably thinking "well, this has to be a joke", but I kid you not, I grew up with the circus as family, and I loved it!

At the age of about 4, this is me just taking a guess, I drank hydrogen peroxide quite accidentally- I was making myself some Oros and I thought that the Peroxide was water, so I put it in my juice, and drank it, and of course, I landed in hospital! (Who wouldn't?)

My Circus family came to visit me, and now that I think about it, I still remember it every now and then. But this is the one part that I have a photo of- one of my uncles came to visit me in hospital.
And not only did he visit me- he visited the rest of the children's ward too! (I'm the one on the lap, I was always rather boyish).
At age 6 I had a circus birthday party, I remember it well, I was too afraid to go up on the trapeze, so I had one of my friends do it for me. I remember my Aunt (Tufu the Clown) entertain us along with the help of all the staff, and of the circus one of my most favorite memories is when I used to help Daniel (the stable guy) take out the pony for all the Birthday parties, and he would let me ride her to the ground by the coffee shop where they would have the horse rides.
 Pictured there is (left to right) the girl I was best friends with at the time, Megan, Tufu the Clown, Lauren, My sister- Nicky, and Myself at the end.

For a while after that my sister and I started going to Circus School- it's like a gymnastics thing, only except you learn circus tricks-
 pictured here is us getting ready to do a show called "Wonderland" - with months of training, and I remember clearly my toes being smacked a good couple of times by my Auntie Susie because they weren't pointed, we got the show right!

Then school became the first thing on my mind and I left Circus school, but was still in contact with the family, I would help with end of year functions and I would work where I could- and I got trained how to work. Honestly I would never have done it any other way.

 High School came and I started making friends:

By the end of eighth grade we were all best friends, and we would have done anything for each other. We had created a bond. It was as if nothing would stop us, and from staying that way. There are other friends- Megan, Michael, Alex, Daniel, Mkiwa, Bonolo (2 of them), Randy, and Aaliah, but pictured here are Johan, Kevin, Diren, Shannon and Nicol and myself obviously.

And then Life happened and we all moved away. Aaliah to Madagascar, and myself to KZN, and then the others moved friends I suppose, but the point is we all lost contact and stopped talking.

Michael though I never stopped talking to, because we'd been best friends since grade 5.

But writing all of this has got me thinking- what has all of this even achieved for me? I've attempted to be positive, and in the past two years I've falling in, and out of love and gotten hurt and I've wasted my time with people who pretend to be my friend and they too- hurt me in the end, and that's when I realized:

It's called life.

And of course, if I could do some of it over again , if I knew what I know now- but certainly not all of it. I have had amazing experiences, and the most awesome childhood that any kid could ask for- I have a family that loves me ,and I adore them just as much
 and a big sister who I can talk to about anything:
 and I realize that even though we might not have everything that everyone else has, and I'm not as pretty and as skinny as all the other girls here, and that I'm probably the strangest person anyone has ever known- I attract all the crazies ...

We have what some people don't have- and that's love, and love for life. My family (including Michael and his family, and the Circus Family) has happiness and a strong bond that will possibly never break and I realize that I should be grateful, because some people don't have a family at all.

And I am grateful, and I realized I don't need to be like the people here to be happy. I just need to be myself.

Moral of the story- don't let other people change you, just stick to who you are and you will find out what you really need and want out of life, you'll turn out to be a much more happier and loving person.

<3 Lee

Saturday 22 June 2013


So I rate today sucked.
I went into work at half past eight, as I was told, and from the moment I got there until I left at 3, I did not sit at all. I was working, taking plates off tables, following the waitress I was assigned to, and I did EVERYTHING that I was told to do.

At the end of the day I did NOT get paid for my labor.

I don't think I'll be going back, because I have the feeling that trainees don't get paid, and if that's the case, I don't think that I'll get paid at all this holiday, and also- as far as I can tell, they already have hopelessly too many waiters and waitresses, so it's not like they really need me.

So, maybe this holiday I will just relax, and take it easy before this upcoming term- because this term we are going to be preparing for the Matric Dance, and the Dance Committee (people in charge of decorating and fundraising in the school, I am part of this) will be the ones painting the back drops and decorating the hall, so it is going to be a very, very busy term next term!

Hope all will go well :)

<3 Lee
also, I want to attempt to paint this, just without the words!!! Wish me luck! 

Friday 21 June 2013

Jobs for the Holiday

So, I decided that for this holiday I need to get a job. So, I headed over to Spur, and they gave me this test thingie based on their takeaway menu, which I had to study for, and I did ! I got 93% for it, (yay me! Not to blow my own whistle, but hey, I'm pretty good, aren't I?) and I got the job!

So tomorrow I have to be there at 08h30 am and I end at 15h00. I bet this is going to be so much fun!

The only downside though, is that I might not be able to get to the beach as often as I would have liked for this holiday, but that's okay! I can make night time plans with my friends and I'm hoping my friend Rachael and I can hang out more this holiday! I can't wait to see what the next few weeks do!

<3 Lee

Thursday 20 June 2013


 I can't think of one student who won't say that they are happy that exams are finally over, and that we are finally on winter holiday. I know I'm super happy and I swear that if I ever have to see another exam for the next couple of months again, I will certainly break down crying, because I am completely exhausted!

So it's finally holidays and I went to the beach with a friend of mine today, Zee. We had a lot of fun, and I got a slight tan which is awesome! I'm hoping to go to the beach more often though, because it is high time that I stop looking like a pale sick person, and start looking healthier, because mentally I feel like I am progressing; and not having to better myself for anyone has given me this effect.

I'm very happy to say that it has been 2 months since Brendin and I broke up, and I feel like I am a stronger person because of it. I must say though, it has been very emotional. But the outcome of it was great: I am becoming a better person.
Everything happens for a reason, and I am feeling much more positive.

It's nothing against him, it's just that I started to believe that I actually needed him to carry on with my life, which was absolutely NOT true! And if I could go back, I wouldn't change anything, but I would warn myself that being in a relationship for so long while you're so young is definitely bound to have you lose your friends- and especially when he's out of school and you're not.

I am trying much harder to salvage the friendships that I have, and that is working out fine for me.

Anyway, this is for all fourteen, and fifteen year olds- never, ever drop your friends for a guy, and don't ever think that because "he's older" it will make you "cooler". It doesn't work that way! I'm not saying don't date him, I'm just saying don't wear your heart on your sleeve, because sometimes people who you think you can trust just end up hurting you.

Anyway, I'm off to bed, had an exhausting day!

<3 Lee

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Studying in Pajamas!

just another day  studying for exams  :)

Song by: Sleeping  with Sirens
Title: If  you  can't hang
I have no claim on  the song :)

<3  Lee

Saturday 25 May 2013

Fey's Homecoming

So the day that I was dying for finally came!
Feylin  arrived in the morning while I was at school, when school  ended I waited a while till she got to the school and then afterward I spent  the rest of yesterday and most of  today  with her!
Here are some  snaps  of our day  and night!

<3 Lee
On  the  beach

Checking to see if the carry  strap works

Thursday 23 May 2013


I feel like I could explode today.
Really would like some chocolate to make me feel better, so I decided that when I get home, I'm going to have a bit of a pamper evening, maybe with my mum so that I can have some time with her. That is- If I don't get home too late.

On the bright side- my friend Feylin is coming from Cape Town and I'm going to visit her tomorrow! :D She's having a bring-and-braai (for people who don't live in South Africa, a bring and braai is basically just a barbeque where you bring all your own meat and or salads or whatever and share it around). I can't wait, I haven't seen her since December last and I'm feeling awfully sad and lonely without her here for moral support.

My whole group has actually strayed away from each other, but the exciting thing- is that after that happened I have managed to work myself up and get better marks in school and become the "Deputy Media Director" in our library, (second highest rank) .

On the 19 of April my sister took me to play Yugioh with her and her friends- please excuse my spelling, I don't know how to spell that word. Here's a photo of how we looked!
I'm behind.

<3 Lee

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Lost Jean size!

So today I woke up  miserable and ill,  but as the day progressed I began  to feel better and moreconfident of myself and this was the last little push I needed in order to feel great!
Two years ago I was a chubby size 36, and then I dropped down to a 34, I was still feeling quite fat at that stage because 34 was a tight fit and 36 was too big, but now- my size 34 jeans (which I haven't worn since purchased, they are lovely bell bottoms) are actually falling off! To celebrate I took some pics where I actually look happy!

I  probably  should have worn vertical stripes  and  makeup  tho haha!
How  do I look?  comment  below!

<3 Lee

Sunday 12 May 2013

Things I Listen to


This  is just about  the  music I listen to. I take no claim on the cover by Vampires Everywhere, Which I downloaded off of Youtube.

<3  Lee

Thursday 9 May 2013



I, in all honesty, cannot understand the morals of so many people in my school. Sure, today is ascension day and half the school isn't here.
Alright-  I could understand if they were Christians, but the problem is that I know that most of these kids don't really care about religion.
 I'm at school, though, right now, being naughty :) But that's okay, because we're supposed to be doing our own thing. My CAT teacher, Mr. Ogle is pretty chilled when it comes to a double lesson when hardly anyone is here. Out of a class of about 20, there are only 12 here at school today.

So now we haven't got much to do really, and it's very quiet. Silent, almost, except for someone singing quietly and the clicking of mouses and keyboard keys.

Brendin and I broke up about 3 weeks ago, haven't really spoken about it, because after two years its also very quiet at home.
I went jogging yesterday and saw him though, and he walked with me the rest of the way and we talked for a bit.
It was sad, when I left, but hey, these things are meant to hurt, right?
No matter...

Soon I'll be putting my own video on of how I do my make up! And also on how to create a good lot of outfits out of a few things. This is going to be a fun challenge to overcome.

Also, I will be putting some new artwork up.
I'm working on two paintings at the moment, and my previous landscape is finally done- but to warn you, I am not that great at that type of thing.
Alright, I won't waste any more of your time!

Hope you have a lovely day!

<3 Lee

Wednesday 1 May 2013

How I do my Make Up

<3 Megs

Went to Church on Sunday

So, I went to Church on Sunday, with my mum. We decided to go to the little one down the road from us, and I found it amusing.

I know that it was an old person's church, because:
1. It had old people in it, and only about 4 young ones,
and 2. they handed out papers on which they asked about funeral policies, and at the top of the paper it said:
"In the Case of Death, we need to know who to contact about your things." or something of the sort.
Now what's cute about it, is that they actually cared, but what's bad about it, is that I don't think any of those old people were actually going to die anytime soon.

The music, though, was good. The guitarists really knew how to play, and when I say that, I mean like- epic guitar riffs and everything, and the drumming was good- they could have used a different singer though, because the old ladies that were singing with the young band were trying to turn it into an opera, and that I don't think would have worked so well.

I tried to create the "blazer" affect with what I had, so I'll post some pics of what I was wearing on Sunday, and if you like it, tell me!

<3 Lee
left Side

Right side


With White Jersey

Shoes <3

Friday 19 April 2013

What a HECTIC week it's been! I was finally changed from Pure Maths into Maths Literacy, and my word, the amount of work I have to catch up before June Exams is intense, and I have a little more than a month to do it in! I'm stressing so badly! Right now I'm spending time trying to sort my room out, due to all the new stationary that had to be bought (text books to help me understand what I'm doing, etc) and I though this would be easy? Boy, was I wrong!

My schedule for the next couple of weeks is going to be intense, between studying and writing tests and doing orals, as well as helping out for Dance Committee at my school, I won't have much time for blogging and so forth, but that's okay, because as soon as I'm done I will have a nice long holiday in which I can relax.

Meg gave me a brilliant idea for the blog, which I'm sure she'll blog about soon, because she's just that awesome!

<3 Lee

P.S. Will be posting some new pics of my latest art works soon xx

Friday 12 April 2013

Found this new site!

Hey guys, sorry about this, but I decided to make an account on Bloglovin' ! It's this site with a whole load of different blogs and stuff, sort of like!

I have to paste this link here: <a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

I'm not quite sure why though, but hey, instructions say so..

Lee <3

Thursday 11 April 2013

Megan's Outfit

Hey there everyone!
Megan's stuff

As promised, I got Megan McArthur to agree to an outfit blog, and since she is now an admin of this page, I didn't need to add a photo of her, since she did it for herself, which I am glad about, because I don't know which photo's she especially likes of herself!

Last Night I asked her to send an outfit that she likes, and so she sent me a picture of what she bought when she'd gone shopping the day before! Seems she has an adoration for pretty skirts and her own sensible style!
What it looks like on her

I'm not normally a person who likes skinny people, because I'm very, very jealous of them, but simply way too lazy to do anything about it, BUT I must say, that skirt looks simply dazzling on Megan. I think High waist bottom parts of an outfit can do an awesome amount to a figure, because unlike hipsters, you don't get love handles, and it just pulls everything in!

Pink is a tone that should go on people with a slightly darker skin tone, because It shows better, It doesn't help if I wear pink, because it fades out against my skin, and that's because I'm very pale, so blues and greens look better on myself.

Meg on the other hand looks great in her skirt, and I think this is a HIT! So there you have it, folks, a lovely outfit from a lovely person.

Lee <3

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Lee & Megs shared ownership.

Hello I'm Megan Mcarthur..

Leigh is my step brothers girlfriend! One day she asked for my opinion on her blog which resulted to me redoing the layout of her blog! we then later decided we wanted to share this page and blog together! I am currently living in the UK and Leigh lives in South Africa which makes things so much more interesting! we really hope you enjoy our posts!

So let me tell you a bit about myself :)

My name is Megan McArthur i am currently a beauty student at college! i want to travel the world on a cruise ship whilst working on the cruise ship at the same time! My dream is to be a beauticion.


Super Star

Ah! I simply love the fact that someone redid my blog for me! I simply love it's vibe! Thank You Megan McArthur, you're a super star!

She's my boyfriends, step-mum's daughter! She's really cute and sweet, and she'd do anything for anyone, which is a really cool trait to have!

I was pretty confused one day, when I received an invite from a Megan McArthur, and I asked Brendin who she might be, wondering if perhaps he knew, and he laughed and said "Well, Yes.. That's my wife!" and I laughed of course, because pretty girls will always get the boy, and in my case, Megan is the pretty one!

So now it's on! Basically family, I am dating Megan's "husband" . Woooww that sounded really really dodgy!

So it's freezing outside, the coldest I've ever felt since I started living by the sea, and I'm actually wearing winter, fluffy socks! I can't wait till winter, maybe if we're lucky we'll have snow.

Unfortunately I don't have any photographs of Megan, because I haven't asked her for any to post, but also because I'm not going to stalk her profile and take pictures from there without permission, but if she does give me permission, the next time I blog I'll add a photo of her, and perhaps an outfit that she absolutely adores, and in which she can tell you about herself!

Good Night world, Sweet dreams,

and once again,

Thank you Meg! You've been lovely! <3 xx

Monday 8 April 2013

As Promised

Hello there my fellow.. followers? I don't quite know!
As promised, I would do a photo shoot, and that I did, at the Durban Botanical Gardens, in well, Durban...My friend Chris, he's very, very special to me, has made me feel very much more special when he told me he keeps checking my blog for updates! This gives me a very positive outlook on this blog, and hopefully soon I will have some more followers!
Caroline on the Picnic blankie

I went yesterday to the gardens to do this photoshoot with a friend of mine, Caroline, and here are the pictures!


Caroline and I in the explosive palm trees

 The day consisted of a picnic and a couple hours doing hair and trying to find the right outfit, and since I was unable to find something inspiring, I just threw on the first thing I saw, which was a pair of shorts and a white tee, got from the Hub (shirt) and Legit (shorts) the scarf I made out of beads and obviously, a scarf thing which I bought at a Chinese store. Caroline was rocking Jeans from Mr. Price and boots from a shop in the mall, I forgot the name, and the scarf is mine, from Egypt when my mom's-ex-bosses-mother went there. Unfortunately Mrs. Wilkie passed away, but her memory is still well alive, the way she was very, very French, and kind.

Caroline and I in front of giant tree
 I had a wonderful time at the gardens, being in nature is my thing, and I absolutely adore it.

I hope to do this again soon!


The giant tree against my size
Caroline rocking in her outfit!
me rocking the Nerd look

Saturday 6 April 2013


So unfortunately I didn't manage to do a photo shoot, instead my sister and I sat and watched "The Da Vinci Code" while I worked on my painting, and now we're sitting in my room, she's busy using liquid eyeliner, drawing all over my foot while I write this blog.

So, because I didn't manage to do the photo shoot, I thought I would introduce you to my long time friend Maggie, who agreed to have me post her outfit that she wore to Kalk Baai in Cape Town today. She's been on of my closest friends for a while, and even though we fight a lot, we have always made up somehow. I love this girl to bits, even though sometimes I get so mad. So here goes!

Meet Maggie:
Maggie in her Outfit

Converse sneakers
Here she is wearing the outfit that I decided to post, and this is where the elements came from:
The hoodie came from a shop called Wingz, the Skirt she is wearing from Edgars, and her beanie came from a place called Ska, she added her own "skater girl" element to the outfit by wearing High-Top Converse Sneakers, which in my opinion was a terrific idea, and she added her own hippy style by adding into her outfit the accessories- necklaces, and hand bag over the shoulder with the pretty, colorful wrist bracelets.

Maggie is currently in High School, same as me, and in the same grade. The cool thing about her is that she's super smart and funny, and she has so many friends, truthfully I envy her people's approach. I don't really keep friends well, but hey! Sometime in the future I am going to track this girl down, and we will go for cappuccino or Milo somewhere, and I will force her to tell me all her secrets! *wink wink*

Sure she wouldn't mind that then, would she?
