Thursday 11 July 2013

My favorite art piece

So Tonight I asked for an interesting thing to blog about, and someone said "tell us about your favorite art piece" and I figured, well why not? Unfortunately this is something I could go on and on about, so I've got to find a way to shorten it!

Okay, so I'll tell you the title first- The Persistence of Memory, and the artist- Salvador Dali.
Now, most art students will know exactly what I'm talking about (especially the art students in my class, because Mr. V gave us that very yummy description about how Salvador Dali was eating cheese while looking at a clock to get his inspiration) when I say that this is a surrealist painting.

Surrealism is the era in which painters would bring dream like figures and try and put into a realistic scene, to try and create a bond between real life and the dream world. It's probably my most favorite genre when it comes to paintings, because the thought that goes behind it is so interesting!

So this painting, The Persistence of Memory- is my favorite because not only is it strange, but it makes use of weird colors and whenever I look at it, I feel curious for some reason. It just triggers that in me.
I love Dali's paintings because they're so weird, and if you look closely you'll see so many strange objects and figures in this painting.

I was going to do a full analysis on the painting, but I realize that will probably bore most people, but hey! If you want me to do the analysis, just pop some comments down below and I'll do that for you! In fact I'd be happy to analyze any painting, just comment below. Anyway, I have to go read now, because I have a book review due quite soon, and I need to write it. Just about twenty more pages to read till I can begin the review!

Lots of Love,

<3 Lee

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