Wednesday 10 July 2013

Ten things not to do when arguing

There are just some things that are okay and not okay when arguing with a special friend, boyfriend, best friend or family member, and I for one absolutely HATE arguing! Not only because it hurts a relationship, but because it emotionally hurts the other person, and also can get very annoying at times, so tonight I decided I want to blog about the ten worst things I can think of when it comes to arguments, so here it goes:

  • "Are you on your period?"  So, This one goes out to boys specifically (sorry boys, but it's true). There is a HUGE difference between anger and being on our period! Sure,  when we're on that awful time of month we do become a little bit cranky, but that's just for about 3-7 days, the rest of the month we're fine- and when we're angry, it doesn't mean we are on our period- it means we are angry. Asking something like "are you on your period" is a pathetic excuse to avoid an argument and can make a girl even more angry- unless you have physically seen me opening up a pad, don't ask me if I'm on my period.
  • "Whatever" In a situation where arguing is involved, saying something like "whatever" is bound to make someone even angrier, and I know that I for one Hate it when someone says "whatever" while I'm trying to get my point across. Like all humans, we all want to know that the person we are talking   to is interesting in what we are saying, because it gives us a sense of worth, and if they don't want to     hear what you are saying, and are not interested in the conversation, what are they doing in your         life? Clearly the relationship isn't worth it.

  • "Just drop it" NO! Do NOT drop the subject! I can promise you that will not help ANYTHING. If one side brought up a subject obviously it was brought up for a reason so SORT IT OUT. Rather now than have it blowing up in your face later on, yes?
  • People who Ramble Hey! Whoa! Slow down! Just remember, there are two people in this argument- give the other person a chance to speak too! Their side is just as important as yours is.

  • An arrogant attitude No one likes a person who thinks too much of themselves, especially when you're busy arguing. So stop being cocky and start listening to what the other person has to say before putting yourself first- not only will this calm the situation down by showing the other person that you are willing to hear them out, but it will also make you less uptight.
  • "I don't like you"  "well if you don't like me, LEAVE!" Need I say more?
  • "You seem angry" Okay, now first of all... If I wasn't just a liiiittttllleee bit mad- we wouldn't be having this discussion, but as soon as a person tells me that I'm angry- I am bound to get angry, because not only have you just reminded me that I'm angry, but your calm, cocky question has just made me want to hit you in the face multiple times, and then still set my cat on you. Really, "You seem angry" ? not a good call, my friend. Rather say "is there something bothering you?" (still not a good one because by now they've probably already told you about the situation) or "well what can I do to help fix the situation?" (much better, because that tells the person that you are willing to help)
  • The whole world doesn't need to know you're arguing! Yes, it is nice to have support when you're going through a rough patch, but putting your status messages as comebacks to an argument, or writing on a person's Facebook wall about how much you hate them certainly is not the best idea of the day. Firstly- it makes you look like a pathetic attention seeker who is a complete meanie, and secondly- it embarrasses the other person very badly and will most definitely hurt their feelings. You're having an argument with that person- not an argument with that person AND Bob, AND Sally, AND Joan.
  • Yelling "STOP YELLING! IS THIS PLEASANT TO READ?" I thought not. Listen, you're in the same room as that person, why do you need to yell at them? It's not like being angry has made them deaf- you're making them deaf by yelling at them, and not only that- you're boosting your adrenaline which makes you much more excited. This makes you seem aggressive and the other person will respond in the same way and this is what makes most arguments blow up in punches and cat-fights and shouting matches.

and lastly:
  • taking words out of context A person isn't going to hide information in their words. They will say what they mean so don't put words in their mouths! That is definitely one of the things I hate the most when I'm arguing with someone.

So there you have it folks! The top ten pet hates when it comes to arguing! I'd like to say thanks to my friend Dee for helping me with this one, because it really was quite a tough topic to cover! So the next time you're in an argument- think back on this blog, and see if you're doing what the other person might hate.

With Love, 
<3 Lee

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